I see that the Minister for Stupidity is at it again. Mary "Thicko" Coughlan has been urging Irish shoppers not to go north to buy cheaper food and drink. It's easy for aristocrats like Mary to make such pronouncements from the back of her ministerial Mercedes. Like all the other politicians, she is so out of touch with the rest of the poor pixie Irish that she doesn't realise (or care) that most of us are broke and need to head north to put food on the table. You see we don't have the luxury of being a career politician like her. We don't have jobs which pay us vast salaries and inflated expenses in return for wrecking the country and providing utterly incompetent leadership.
Mary Thicko Coughlan and her colleagues in Fianna Fool created an economy where prices spiralled out of control. This was achieved with cooperation from the money grabbing unions and IBEC. They then conspired to cultivate a banking system which was so devoid of regulation that banks could lend money as they pleased. When the whole house of cards collapsed and ordinary worms like you and me were left with pay cuts, negative equity and general poverty, Fianna Fool blamed the global credit crunch. The line "...Ireland is a small open economy..." was trotted out ad nauseum by government ministers to try and demonstrate that the global economic downturn was the cause of all our woes. What utter rubbish! 15 years of corruption, legislating based on Galway race tent donations, fueling the property bubble and general irresponsibility has wrecked this country. The global downturn was just the final kick in the nuts for us.
One of the problems in a small open economy is that we are open to competition in all areas of economic activity. We have already hemorrhaged jobs as companies relocate to countries where costs are cheaper. Apart from spouting rubbish about the "knowledge economy", the government has done little to address this. Another consequence of our open economy is that we are free to spend what little money we still have as we please. If this means going up north to get our groceries then so be it. Fianna Fool are such believers in the free market that they should realise that the laws of supply and demand should soon see the situation sort itself out. If the Irish retailers and the government don't do something to reduce the cost of living we will continue to shop in the cheapest place. Last year the idiots increased VAT, making Northern Ireland an even better value prospect!
So Thicko Coughlan should shut her face and stop moaning about Irish people shopping in the north. If she wants to remedy the situation she could actually do her job and introduce some measures to make it cheaper to shop down here. But Thicko doesn't do proactivity and initiative. She'd rather sit in her tower and condemn as unpatriotic those who travel north of the border to shop. The stupid wagon probably hasn't done a weekly shop in over 15 years. She wouldn't know what it's like to have to struggle to feed and cloth a family from a diminishing wage.
Dumb Mary's attempt to run a guilt trip on us for shopping in the north demonstrates that she is a thick as she looks. When Queen Marie Antoinette adopted such a "let them eat cake" attitude in 18th century France she lost her head. Luckily for Mary the imbecile queen Coughlan, she only stands to loose her seat.
Mary Thicko Coughlan and her colleagues in Fianna Fool created an economy where prices spiralled out of control. This was achieved with cooperation from the money grabbing unions and IBEC. They then conspired to cultivate a banking system which was so devoid of regulation that banks could lend money as they pleased. When the whole house of cards collapsed and ordinary worms like you and me were left with pay cuts, negative equity and general poverty, Fianna Fool blamed the global credit crunch. The line "...Ireland is a small open economy..." was trotted out ad nauseum by government ministers to try and demonstrate that the global economic downturn was the cause of all our woes. What utter rubbish! 15 years of corruption, legislating based on Galway race tent donations, fueling the property bubble and general irresponsibility has wrecked this country. The global downturn was just the final kick in the nuts for us.
One of the problems in a small open economy is that we are open to competition in all areas of economic activity. We have already hemorrhaged jobs as companies relocate to countries where costs are cheaper. Apart from spouting rubbish about the "knowledge economy", the government has done little to address this. Another consequence of our open economy is that we are free to spend what little money we still have as we please. If this means going up north to get our groceries then so be it. Fianna Fool are such believers in the free market that they should realise that the laws of supply and demand should soon see the situation sort itself out. If the Irish retailers and the government don't do something to reduce the cost of living we will continue to shop in the cheapest place. Last year the idiots increased VAT, making Northern Ireland an even better value prospect!
So Thicko Coughlan should shut her face and stop moaning about Irish people shopping in the north. If she wants to remedy the situation she could actually do her job and introduce some measures to make it cheaper to shop down here. But Thicko doesn't do proactivity and initiative. She'd rather sit in her tower and condemn as unpatriotic those who travel north of the border to shop. The stupid wagon probably hasn't done a weekly shop in over 15 years. She wouldn't know what it's like to have to struggle to feed and cloth a family from a diminishing wage.
Dumb Mary's attempt to run a guilt trip on us for shopping in the north demonstrates that she is a thick as she looks. When Queen Marie Antoinette adopted such a "let them eat cake" attitude in 18th century France she lost her head. Luckily for Mary the imbecile queen Coughlan, she only stands to loose her seat.
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