I was absolutely disgusted when I read this article outlining the circumstances under which a young child had the wrong kidney removed by a team of imbeciles in Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin, Dublin. The fact that the child's parents repeatedly sought assurances that the correct procedure would be carried out makes this case all the more disturbing.
The two clowns primarily responsible for this surgical fiasco are the subject of a medical council investigation. Undoubtedly this will result in some form of a rap on the knuckles for these morons before they are released to butcher their next victim in Our Lady's or some other hospital.
This type of thing happens way too often in this country. The medical profession (especially consultants) have something of a god complex. They resent the little people questioning their divine wisdom. God forbid that we should want to be sure that they get it right, it's only our lives that are at stake. For too long we pixie Irish have buttoned our lips for fear of upsetting some overpaid surgical wanker. For too long we haven't questioned a diagnosis. For too long we have taken the word of a doctor to be gospel. Well no more. I would urge anyone with any degree of doubt about a medical issue to seek reassurance from their doctor. If you are not happy - ask again. If they don't like it - tough shit. If they are about to jeopardise your life or the life of your child you have a right to be somewhat wary.
As long as we are relying on poxy medical council investigations or the awarding of a few quid in compensatory damages by an unjust court system we will never see any real improvement in the behaviour of the upper echelons of the medical profession. And we can't rely on the likes of the Minister for Health and Cream Cakes, Fat Mary Harney, or her fellow aristocrats in the Dáil to give a damn about justice or the rights of the ordinary citizen. Maybe we should be playing punchy facey with those careless consultant bastards if they commit such gross acts of carelessness against their patients. Under the punchy facey system of medical justice we'll take the first, second and third turns - we'll let the consultants overcharge each other to get their faces fixed up when we've finished the "game".
The two clowns primarily responsible for this surgical fiasco are the subject of a medical council investigation. Undoubtedly this will result in some form of a rap on the knuckles for these morons before they are released to butcher their next victim in Our Lady's or some other hospital.
This type of thing happens way too often in this country. The medical profession (especially consultants) have something of a god complex. They resent the little people questioning their divine wisdom. God forbid that we should want to be sure that they get it right, it's only our lives that are at stake. For too long we pixie Irish have buttoned our lips for fear of upsetting some overpaid surgical wanker. For too long we haven't questioned a diagnosis. For too long we have taken the word of a doctor to be gospel. Well no more. I would urge anyone with any degree of doubt about a medical issue to seek reassurance from their doctor. If you are not happy - ask again. If they don't like it - tough shit. If they are about to jeopardise your life or the life of your child you have a right to be somewhat wary.
As long as we are relying on poxy medical council investigations or the awarding of a few quid in compensatory damages by an unjust court system we will never see any real improvement in the behaviour of the upper echelons of the medical profession. And we can't rely on the likes of the Minister for Health and Cream Cakes, Fat Mary Harney, or her fellow aristocrats in the Dáil to give a damn about justice or the rights of the ordinary citizen. Maybe we should be playing punchy facey with those careless consultant bastards if they commit such gross acts of carelessness against their patients. Under the punchy facey system of medical justice we'll take the first, second and third turns - we'll let the consultants overcharge each other to get their faces fixed up when we've finished the "game".
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