Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Filling their pockets, emptying yours

Dex: Hello Mr. Pharmacist, I have just been to the doctor who has happily emptied my bank account and sent me here to purchase some overpriced drugs, driving me further into debt.

Pharmacist: I totally understand Dex, but you must understand it's not just me ripping you off. The doctors, the drug companies and the lack of any Government pressure on all these groups ensures that we all live healthy lives while you and your family have to think twice before coming in here!

Dex: I believe Mary Harney, the health beacon of Irish society, is cutting your fees for the Drug Scheme?

Pharmacist: Yes it's shocking, you know we only make a 50% mark up!! Can you believe that.
50% percent. What's the issue, we are only doubling the price of medicine, what's the big deal? Dex you seem upset.

Dex: Well the fact that I can buy the same medicine in Spain/France/UK for approx. 60% less kinda pisses me off! For example, asthma medicine costs 65% less in Spain than here for the exact same stuff.

Pharmacist: That explains why pharmacists in Spain aren't as rich as us!

Dex: In the UK, the doctor is free and all prescriptions are a set price. Sounds like a great system and good use of tax payers' money?

Pharmacist: Are you mad! Free doctors....Hello, why make them free when they can earn €60 - €80 a visit. The government would never pay that rate! Set medical prices, now you are losing the plot. What happened to my 50% margin!

Dex: How come you don't sell as many generic drugs as they do overseas? Surely this would keep prices down. Is it because of the reduced commission from the drug companies?

Pharmacist: I decline to answer that one!

Dex: So do you think Fat Mary will force you to reduce your margins on prescription drugs for non drug scheme users? I'm not on the drug scheme, so what about me? I'm still getting charged the 50+% mark up.

Pharmacist: But we have to rip someone off, we have to maintain our inflated profit margins some way. Anyway, she is only interested in saving cash for the government not for you. Remember it is this government that agreed to these margins in the first place. Blame them, not me!

Dex: So you're going to continue to rob us blind for essential medication?

Pharmacist: YES! - Take care Dex. Who's next for me to mug.... I mean serve?

STOP THE RIP OFF - Get Emailing, write to your TD, the drug companies, the Irish Pharmacy Union. Nothing will change if you DO NOTHING! Its your money...demand value for it!

Useful links: Contact The Irish Pharmacy Union

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