Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Party is Over

The scum never cease to offend.
Our money they steal and then spend.
On the June 5th election.
We must show our objection.
Two fingers to parties we'll extend.

Fianna Fáil, Labour and Fine Gael.
They should all be rotting in jail.
They're way overpaid.
And a fortune they've made.
Despite their tendency to fail.

So let's show that we're all sick and tired.
Of the incumbents who just can't be admired.
Lets kick out these hacks.
We'll swing our vote axe.
As Doctor Bill would say, "Parties - you're fired!"

By DarkPassenger

Let's show that we've all had enough of the self-serving party politicians who have failed our country for decades. I urge everyone to vote for an independent candidate on June 5th.

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