People of Ireland - meet your next Taoiseach. Jesus wept, we are doomed!
Now, it is a widely held view that Enda de road has all the charisma of a toilet brush (and a dirty one at that). We also know that his leadership skills are less than spectacular - this can be born out by the fact that only 9 of his blue-shirted subordinates have followed him into taking a voluntary pay cut. But what this piece of youtube diarrhoea shows is that Enda de road just can't do sincerity.
Enda de road believes in a "..fairer Ireland..". Well that's fantastic Enda. It's easy to preach about fairness when you're a career politician who has made a mint out of "representing" us for years.
Enda says that Funny Gael have been right about a load of stuff. They were right about, benchmarking, scrapping the national pay deal, bank recapitalisation and every other ill that has befallen us poor pixie Irish over the last year or so. Well here's news for the king of the blueshirts - the dogs on the street have been right about the same things. It doesn't make them leadership material although they may have a more engaging style than the aforementioned master of monotone.
Enda has latched on to the fact that people are worried about their jobs. Wow - what a shrewd reader of the Irish people he is. For feck sake Enda - at least try and pretend you A) care and B) mean it. As if people actually talk to that latchico about being worried about their jobs. This John McCain "joe de plumber" style "I listen to people and stuff" politics died a death during the American presidential election. But, as usual, Enda the road will copy a tired concept and fail to deliver something even 5% effective as the original.
Speaking of tired concepts, it appears that Enda de road has been receiving communication coaching from Pat the plank Kenny. That unmistakable robotic movement, the nauseating and patronising droning, the air of an overpaid Marie Antoinette 'let them eat cake' attitude. Give us a bleedin break Enda. We don't want to hear "I told you so" "we were right" "we're great". We want to hear how you're going to fix it. Oh - and we'd like the truth. Not some mentalist plan to sell off all the semi-state companies, rape the national pension reserve and create some 1984 style supercompany Ireland Inc.
The most entertaining thing about this video was that if you stuck a balaclava on Enda de road's head you would have all the ingredients of a very convincing terrorist broadcast:
- The cheapo wardrobes and bookshelves ("Idiot's Guide to Economics" and "101 Ways to win an election" amongst the titles.
- The hurriedly hung paramilitary flags - is that a Starry Plough I see in the background Enda?
- The desperate ramblings of a demented extremist.
- Demands that contact be made and that a ransom (in the form of our ideas) be paid.
P.S. - Funny Gael have done a nice rip-off job on the BBC website! Another shining example of original thinking in action:
Very Good Dark Passenger. I enjoyed this one particularly as you know I really cannot abide blueshirts!!!!